What is SEO ?

Search Engine Optimization usually is practiced by companies and specialists aiming for improvment of a particular website popularity among the limited results of main search engines like: Google, Bing, Yahoo, ASK and many more. This service includes 2 basic approaches – off page and on page optimization.

Off page optimization is a process of gathering external links for the purposes of website indexing by search engines, ranking and positioning for a specific keyword and/or phrase. The “links” have 2 major criterions to be considered for – quality and quantity. This type of optimization gives a real chance to your website to be visible not only for the search engines but also for visitors, clicking on the link in the website they are looking at – referal resources. The most common format in which links can be seen is banners, text links and URLs.

On page optimization, on the other hand, is other part of SEO process, demanding not only extreme precision, but also perfect analyzing, planning and implementation. In particular, this is the process of optimization of all the elements of a website: headings, meta tags, content (text, graphics, videos, menus, and many more), URLs, website structure. It is all developed in such manner, that the elements in the process are in complete symbiosis in order to achieve maximum results.

Well combined, the two processes provide a real chance for a website to take leading positions for the words and/ or phrases, you are aiming for. SEO is a continuous process, demanding maintenance in order your website to reach the desired rankings in search engines, but also to stay on there, and at the same time new strategies are developed and new keywords and phrases are added to the list. The purpose here is simple and just – to generate maximum targeted traffic for your business.

Read more on the topic and what else we can do for you and your website on our услуги за популяризация на уеб сайт..