Other Services

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eSale.bg team offers consulting services in Internet advertising, marketing and web presence of a company. Our experts team will evaluate your current position and make some proposals in order to increase your sales, traffic and popularity.

When it comes to Internet presence, marketing and assets management, our clients rely on us and our competence to give the best to their business. We believe that ours expert opinion will help you and your company or business in carrying down to many new through Internet. Many clients and companies did it and now they are leaders in their branch. When a client comes to our office with questions, he/she never leaves without answers.

Creative Advertisement

Usually conventional advertisements have the opposite and negative effect on the user/spectator. Most people use advertisements to do anything else but watching them. If you present your brand by using standard decision, be sure that most users won’t even think about what was your message.

Good news is that not all advertisements are bad

eSale.bg pays special attention on creation of each and every advertisement. The advertisement should effects user’s mind in such manner that will force him to buy your products even if he/she does not need it and that’s our main purpose.

Affiliate Marketing

eSale.bg is offering you consultations regarding affiliate marketing and developing a “sales network” for your business.

We, from eSale.bg, we will provide you with full services and instructions on how to build your affiliate program. The main purpose of this platform is to force your sales generated by site owners and webmasters. With more than 10 years of experience in this field we can achieve the results every business want. No matter now big you are, this marketing method is great way to attract more sales by using the resources of others.


To be successful in branding, we, the team of eSale.bg, understand quite well the needs and desires of your present and potential clients. To achieve this, we get to every client, presenting them well prepared strategy, which is going to work for you even in the future. Our complex services offer ideal opportunity for better covering of the Web and strong presence of your brand, but also reinforcing of its position among the others on the market.

Video Advertising

53% of all clips, shared in YouTube are watched less than 500 times … Only 0,33% have over 1 millions views.

eSale.bg will make your video clip popular on the web!

We are participating in big networks and this makes us believe that we can distribute the clip to as many as it possible users on the net. This service is strongly recommended to advertisers thinking ‘Out of the Box’ and want to get their messages to the user in a different way.

Media planning and purchasing

Media purchasing refers to advertising management in which successful initiative is the combination between advertising area and price. Every business, aiming for positive results, invests in this type of popularization, using media shops for planning, purchasing and monitoring of such campaigns.

When eSale.bg purchase for you, firstly we research and plan in order to spend advertisers’ resources in most reasonable way. Our team of professionals will highlight everything you need to know for your media campaign, considering the most important factors – geographical, demographic, psychological, the advertising formats, price ranges, competitors and everything else, that gives clear idea for its proper steering and execution

Thanks to the consultation services of eSale.bg, we structured our site the way we want it. Now we are receiving a lot of interest and every one who come on our site, leave us a positive feedback.

Great and expert consultations, well done branding and the results didn’t late. The professionalism of eSale.bg helps us a lot and we want to give them big thanks to their team.

We are really pleased with the services that were offered by eSale.bg and will continue to use them in the future.

Increasing sales and search engine positions are the results we received from digital agency eSale.bg. Many thanks and we are still working with them.

Reach us at any time. We will be happy to hear from you.