Media planning and purchasing
Media purchasing refers to advertising management in which successful initiative is the combination between advertising area and price. Every business, aiming for positive results, invests in this type of popularization, using media shops for planning, purchasing and monitoring of such campaigns.
When purchase for you, firstly we research and plan in order to spend advertisers’ resources in most reasonable way. Our team of professionals will highlight everything you need to know for your media campaign, considering the most important factors – geographical, demographic, psychological, the advertising formats, price ranges, competitors and everything else, that gives clear idea for its proper steering and execution.
In Bulgaria and other big countries, this method is quite common practice, used by many companies to reach out for proper auditorium. Using this approach, you will succeed in good positioning among them, which gives you strong advantage over your competitors. Purchasers of digital advertising, who we are –, are not only average advertising agents or dealers. They are the people that plan every campaign, operate and create its strategy. Results from the campaign prove why they are known as people with clear, creative and innovative thinking.
Media planning in digital advertisement presents much more opportunities compared to few years ago – from CPM advertising and social networks to mobiles.
People, occupied in media planning and purchasing should be very skilled with numbers. But we,, are very inventive. That gives us the opportunity to demand much more for our advertisers for less money. Instead of doing what everyone else do, we regularly offer attractive packages of services, based on researches, experience and already proved practices. Our media planning grows from the very beginning which is strong precondition for high quality performance and positive results.
Thanks to our sense and professional attitude, our service offers maximum results at a reasonable price.

Get in touch with us and start branding you business today. Free consultations.
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